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考研英语教育词汇challenge,中文意思是什么?在考研英语真题中有哪些例句?我会分别讲述:先来看challenge的中文意思:challengen.挑战;艰巨任务vt.向……挑战考研英语教育词汇challenge在考研英语的真题例句:1This is America, and America has risen to these challenges before.这是美国,且美国以前也曾应对过这些挑战。【2009·考研二·阅读理解】2Instead, the company has done precisely what it had long promised it would not: challenge the constitutionality of Vermont's rules in the federal court, as pat of a desperate effort to keep its Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant running.相反,该公司所做的恰恰是它长期以来承诺不会做的事情:在联邦法庭上挑战佛蒙特州法规的宪法合理性,这是它不顾一切地努力维持佛蒙特扬基核电站运转的举措之一。【2012·考研一·阅读理解】3The challenge of coping with automation underlines the need for the U.S. to revive its fading business dynamism.应对自动化的挑战凸显出美国重振其日渐衰落的商业活力的必要性。【2018·考研一·阅读理解】4As so often is the case, stating that principle doesn't ease the challenge of line-drawing.通常情况下,陈述那一原则并不能减轻越界的挑战。【2015·考研一·阅读理解】5Among the annoying challenges facing the middle class is one that will probably go unmentioned in the next presidential campaign: What happens when the robots come for their jobs?中产阶级面临的恼人挑战之一是:当机器人要抢占他们的工作时,他们该怎么办?而这个问题在下届总统竞选中很可能被忽略。【2018·考研一·阅读理解】6Yet this enormous resource is not contributing enough to today's global challenges, including climate change, security, sustainable development and health.然而,这一庞大的资源尚未对应对当今全球性挑战做出足够的贡献,例如气候变化、安全问题、可持续发展和健康问题等。【2013·考研一·阅读理解】7"I'm not saying the challenge isn't almost overwhelming," says Fred Krupp.“我并不是说这个挑战不是压倒性的。”弗雷德·克虏伯说。【2009·考研二·阅读理解】8Some Congress members are trying to block the plan, and at least a dozen industry groups, four states, and three environmental groups are challenging it in federal court.一些国会议员试图阻止这项计划,且至少有12个企业团体、4个州和3个环保小组在联邦法院对这一计划提出了质疑。【2016·考研二·阅读理解】9In dealing with a challenge on such a scale it is no exaggeration to say, "United we stand, divided we fall" and if I had to choose a slogan it would be "Unity in our diversity".在应对如此规模的挑战时,可以毫不夸张地说,“团结则存,分裂则亡”,而如果我必须选择一个口号,那就是“多元一体”。【2005·考研一·阅读理解】10We reason together, challenge, revise, and complete each other's reasoning and each other's conceptions of reason.我们共同去推理、质疑、修正且完善各自的推理以及各自的推理概念。【2012·考研一·阅读理解】11Not surprisingly, newly published discovery claims and credible discoveries that appear to be important and convincing will always be open to challenge and potential modification or refutation by future researchers.新发表的那些发现、以及看似重要且有说服力的可信发现总会受到后来研究者的挑战,并可能被修改或驳斥,这不足为奇。【2012·考研一·阅读理解】12Sit down to read and the flywheel of work-related thoughts keeps spinning—or else you're so exhausted that a challenging book's the last thing you need.坐下来阅读时,与工作相关的思绪像飞轮一样不停地旋转——也许你实在是筋疲力尽,最不需要的就是一本有挑战性的书。【2016·考研二·阅读理解】13While all of these countries face their own challenges, there are a number of consistent themes.虽然这些国家都面临各自的挑战,但有一些主题是一致的。【2017·考研一·阅读理解】考研英语教育词汇challenge在考研英语真题的例句是比较丰富的,"Challenge"可以作名词,可以作动词。作为名词时,它指的是一项挑战、艰巨的任务或问题。作为动词时,它意味着对某人或某事提出质疑或挑战。从challenge的名词和动词的词性出发,看几个例句:The new project poses a significant challenge to the team, requiring innovative solutions and collaborative efforts.在这个例句中,"challenge"作为名词,指的是新项目给团队带来的重大挑战。The theory has been challenged by recent studies, which suggests that further investigation is needed.在此例句中,"challenge"作为动词,表示近期的研究对该理论提出了质疑。


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